Posted on the wall of the Annex Press Pit: If media people don’t wish to say the Pledge of Allegiance they should come into the House chambers after it is completed.
On March 7, Speaker of the House Lawerence Denny sent a letter to Betsy Russell, capable leader of the Capitol Press Corps. The letter stated that several members of the Idaho House of Representatives had noted that members of the press did not “verbally participate” in the Pledge.
Denney wrote:
Please inform members of the press that if they choose not to participate in the Pledge they have ample time following the Pledge and before the 11th order to join us on the Floor.
There has been no official response from the Capitol Press Corps. PaleoMedia rarely goes on the floor of either the House or Senate, but will continue to say the Pledge any way we damn well please.

Click to read the letter